Svadhisthana (2nd Chakra)


The Sacral Chakra sits below the name in the sex organ region, beside the bladder and kidneys. Creativity, emotions, relationships, communication, and work/money, are some of the major arenas that our Sacral Chakra governs. If you are blocked or out of balance in your Sacral Chakra, you may experience difficulty with emotions (being either overpowering, or completely shut off), difficulty making money or find a good source of work, communication issues in relationships (either too much confrontation or not enough expression), issues with reproductive health, blocked or stagnant creativity, and an out of balance sex life (either too much or not enough). 


Sacral Chakra's color is bright orange. Wear Sacral Chakra colors and crystals to activate and balance it. With this accomplished, you will begin to find more balance and power in your life's Sacral Chakra areas: Sexual health, sexuality, relationships, communication, creativity, money, and work. 


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