Anahata (4th Chakra)


The Heart Chakra is located at... you guessed it! Your heart. This is possibly one of the most famous and well known chakras. Which speaks volumes to how much everyone is all about that heart energy! 

The Heart Chakra not only governs the most obvious of energies... love... but it also works with love-associated energies such as forgiveness, vulnerability, intimacy, anger and anxiety. We feel anxiety often as a tightness and weight in our chest, as well as feelings of anger. This can indicate fear and unforgiveness in our heart. 

The Heart Chakra not only helps our love relationships with people around us, but it also works on the most important love relationship... with ourselves. Healing our heart and allowing us to love and forgive ourselves is quite possibly one of the most important soul-work tasks we must do in this life. Once we have accomplished this, we are open and free to share and receive love with others, and also have a relationship of "universal love" with the whole galaxy!

Heart Chakra's colors are green and pink. Wear Solar Plexus Chakra colors and crystals to activate and balance it and bring more love into your life. 

Click below to view all of our Heart Chakra crystal jewelry!